A Tale of Two Therapists

Being in therapy can be "the best of times," and "the worst of times"; it can bring "wisdom" or be the epitome of "foolishness" (i.e., a waste of time). My first two adventures in therapy are good examples of each type of possible experience. As I've mentioned previously, I've likely suffered from some form of … Continue reading A Tale of Two Therapists

Things You Never Say to a Depressed Person

Be careful what "words of comfort" or "advice" you give to the depressed person in your life. Regardless of your intentions, you could do more harm than good. The following are just a few examples of things NOT to say to someone with depression. Trust me on this; I've heard most of 'em. 1. "Just think positively/look on the bright … Continue reading Things You Never Say to a Depressed Person

Nature’s Transformative Freedom

"Real freedom lies in wilderness, not civilization." - Charles Lindbergh I'll never forget the first time I went hiking by myself last June. My little hiking booklet discouraged against hiking alone, but I was irritable, restless and bored, and could barely stand my own company, much less anyone else's. My husband, Matt, wasn't home, so he … Continue reading Nature’s Transformative Freedom